Tuominen, JarnoUniversity of TurkuDocent of Psychology, University TeacherBehaviour change, Climate psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness, Mentalization, PsychologyMalinen, Olli-PekkaHelsingin yliopisto, Niilo Mäki institute, EduCluster Finland, Jyväskylän yliopisto, KANSANELAKELAITOS, Pirkkala City, Finnish National Agency for Education, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Emil Aaltosen Säätiö, TAMPEREEN KAUPUNKI, KangasUniversity Lecturer, Freelance Instructor of professional development, Researcher, Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Executive vice director, Postdoctoral researcher, Lead Expert, Project Coordinator, Parental Leave, Special Education Class Teacher, Regular Substitute Teacher, Junior Researcher, Grant Researcher, Chinese Language Teacher-Koskimäki, MinnaTampere UniversityUniversity teacher/ University Lecturer, Teacher, Research coordinator, Postdoctoral Researcher-Heinonen-Kemppi, JohannaLAB University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern FinlandTeacher, RDI Specialistcommunication, destination management, digitalisation, leadership, marketing, service, tourismSallinen, TaisaItä-Suomen yliopistouniversity teacher, Information Specialist-Heräjärvi, NinaHelsingin yliopistoUniversity TeacherSpecial Education, Disability, Quality of Life, Transition to AdulthoodMynttinen, MariLAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-KareliaResearch lecturer, Health and wellbeing, Project researcher, Project expert, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, TEACHER (health education and exercise)adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choicesAguilera-López, A. JorgeHelsingin yliopistoResearch Associate, Research Assistant, Researcher, Teacher for asylum seekers, Department Assistant fellowEarly Modern History, Environmental History, Labour History, Maritime History, ShipbuildingSteiner, BodoHelsingin yliopisto, University of Southern Denmark, The Center for Innovation Studies, Calgary, Alberta, University College Cork, University of Alberta, the Capital City of Alberta, Edmonton; The Mayor of Edmonton, advisory board on food industry issues, Alberta Agricultural Economics Association, Alberta School of Business, University of California Berkeley, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, University of ReadingTEACHING EXPERIENCE, Member of THECIS, Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Professor, Member of the Agricultural Council Committee, Associate Professor (with tenure), Chair of the B.Sc. Business Management Programs Committee, Member of Cooperative Council, Cooperative Program in Agricultural Marketing and Business, Member of the Committee for the Field-based Training Program: University of Alberta and Kyoto University (Japan), Chair of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Academic advisor for the B.Sc. Food Business Management Major, Member of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Assistant Professor, President, Program Director, Visiting scholar, Research Fellow, Research Associate, Lecturer, European Commission Research Training Fellow-Fazeli, ElnazHelsingin yliopisto, University of TurkuPhD student, previously University teacher-
Helsingin yliopisto, Niilo Mäki institute, EduCluster Finland, Jyväskylän yliopisto, KANSANELAKELAITOS, Pirkkala City, Finnish National Agency for Education, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Emil Aaltosen Säätiö, TAMPEREEN KAUPUNKI, Kangas
University Lecturer, Freelance Instructor of professional development, Researcher, Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Executive vice director, Postdoctoral researcher, Lead Expert, Project Coordinator, Parental Leave, Special Education Class Teacher, Regular Substitute Teacher, Junior Researcher, Grant Researcher, Chinese Language Teacher
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-Karelia
Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, Project researcher, Project expert, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, TEACHER (health education and exercise)
adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choices
Helsingin yliopisto, University of Southern Denmark, The Center for Innovation Studies, Calgary, Alberta, University College Cork, University of Alberta, the Capital City of Alberta, Edmonton; The Mayor of Edmonton, advisory board on food industry issues, Alberta Agricultural Economics Association, Alberta School of Business, University of California Berkeley, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, University of Reading
TEACHING EXPERIENCE, Member of THECIS, Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Professor, Member of the Agricultural Council Committee, Associate Professor (with tenure), Chair of the B.Sc. Business Management Programs Committee, Member of Cooperative Council, Cooperative Program in Agricultural Marketing and Business, Member of the Committee for the Field-based Training Program: University of Alberta and Kyoto University (Japan), Chair of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Academic advisor for the B.Sc. Food Business Management Major, Member of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Assistant Professor, President, Program Director, Visiting scholar, Research Fellow, Research Associate, Lecturer, European Commission Research Training Fellow