, Helsingin yliopisto

Tutkimustoiminnan kuvaus

A. Jorge Aguilera-López is a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, specialising in Early Modern Maritime History. His dissertation examines the construction of galleys in the Royal Shipyard of Barcelona during the sixteenth century, focusing on their environmental, technological, and social dimensions. He is also a research associate at the University of Coimbra. Jorge holds a BA in History from the University of Barcelona (2013) and an inter-university MA in Early Modern Mediterranean History with honours (2015). He has collaborated with leading institutions on research projects, including the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, the Norwegian Maritime Museum, and the University of Helsinki. An active member of Red Columnaria (Crown of Aragon Node), The Spanish Monarchy and Eastern Europe Project (HISTERN), and the Military Labour History Working Group (MLHWG), Jorge is also a founding member of the Swedish-Spanish Research Network (SWESP). His research interests include the early political and commercial connections between the Baltic and Iberian regions, extending beyond the Mediterranean. Jorge has co-authored a monograph, published multiple scientific papers, and actively participates in academic activities such as conferences, workshops, and collaborative research on both national and international levels.


Early Modern History, Environmental History, Labour History, Maritime History, Shipbuilding


University of Coimbra
Centre for Functional Ecology: History, Territories and Communities
Lähde: ORCID
Research Associate 2023 -

Helsingin yliopisto
Lähde: Helsingin yliopisto
2019 -

Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies
Lähde: ORCID
Research Assistant 2018 - 2019

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Project: The Spanish Monarchy and Eastern Europe: Imagined Visions and Real Articulation of Poland and Russia in Early Modern Age (HISTERN)
Lähde: ORCID
Researcher 2023 - 2025

Apip-Acam Foundation
Lähde: ORCID
Teacher for asylum seekers 2018 - 2018

Museu Marítim de Barcelona
Lähde: ORCID
Researcher 2016 - 2018

Universitat de Barcelona
Early Modern History Department
Lähde: ORCID
Department Assistant fellow 2014 - 2015


PhD in History and Cultural Heritage 2019 - / University of Helsinki

Julkaisut (14)

A dissimulated trade: Northern European timber merchants in Seville (1574–1598)

“[They] Are Not of Any Service, Except for Wasting Wages and Burning a Lot of Timber”: The Soldiers of the Guard of the Royal Shipyard of Barcelona (1575–1600)

“In all this kingdom there is no timber” Wood for the king’s galleys

Rahoitusmyönnöt (5)

Doctoral researchJenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto2023 - 2024
Doctoral researchJenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto2022 - 2023
Doctoral researchSuomalainen Tiedeakatemia2021 - 2022
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Aktiviteetit ja palkinnot (5)

Extraordinary Award of the Master’s Degreepalkinto tai huomionosoitus urasta2016
Chair and representativejäsenyys2020
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