Kucner, Tomasz Piotr
Assistant Professor, Aalto University
Tutkimustoiminnan kuvaus
My research objective is to enable autonomous intelligent systems to efficiently and safely operate in the noisy and dynamic reality of shared human-robot environments. My conviction is that to achieve this goal it is essential to enable robots to acquire high-level knowledge through implicit ques of daily human behaviour and through enabling robots to continuously self assess and evaluate the quality of the said models.Avainsanat
Dynamic Mapping, Localisation, Mapping, Mobile RoboticsAffiliaatiot
Aalto University
Electrical Engineering and Automation
Lähde: ORCID
Assistant Professor 2021 -
Orebro Universitet
Lähde: ORCID
Research Officer 2018 - 2021
Magister Inżynier (Master of Engineering) 2011 - 2012 / Politechnika Wroclawska
PhD 1.9.2012 - 20.9.2018 / Orebro Universitet
2011 - 2012 Syddansk Universitet
Inżynier (BSc) 1.10.2007 - 25.1.2011 / Politechnika Wroclawska
Julkaisut (13)
Benchmarking the utility of maps of dynamics for human-aware motion planning
Robust Structure Identification and Room Segmentation of Cluttered Indoor Environments From Occupancy Grid Maps
Swaminathan, Chittaranjan Srinivas; Kucner, Tomasz Piotr; Magnusson, Martin; Palmieri, Luigi; Molina, Sergi; Mannucci, Anna; Pecora, Federico; Lilienthal, Achim J.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Robust Structure Identification and Room Segmentation of Cluttered Indoor Environments From Occupancy Grid Maps
Luperto, Matteo; Kucner, Tomasz Piotr; Tassi, Andrea; Magnusson, Martin; Amigoni, Francesco
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Robust Structure Identification and Room Segmentation of Cluttered Indoor Environments From Occupancy Grid Maps