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Tutkimusaineiston tekijät / organisaatio
Supplementary Data and Software for "Robust NLoS Localization in 5G mmWave Networks: Data-based Methods and Performance"
Wear of femoral head taper connections of contemporary total hip prostheses—An experimental study
Data of PMN-PT ceramics for piezoelectric energy harvesting and other piezoelectric applications
Antibacterial and physicomechanical properties of cellulosic nonwovens functionalized with chitosan: a study on interaction effects of influencing factors and assessment methods
Hygrothermal performance of ventilated attics in Nordic climate, field study 2021-2022
Hygrothermal performance of ventilated attics in Nordic climate, field study 2021-2022
Data Micro CT and mechanical testing data from "Pulp fibre foams: Morphology and mechanical performance"
Vesienpalautuksen vaikutus suon hiilitaseisiin ja puuston kasvuun ja kehitykseen ojitetulla turvemaalla
Collected Data on Bending, Vibration, and Push-out Tests of Shallow Steel-Timber Composite Beams – Nordic System
Compression failure of Sustainable Natural fibre Composites
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Sivu 1