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Hankkeen nimi
Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBehavioral and molecular mechanisms of nicotine addictionHelsingin yliopisto2007 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBitter taste perception and eating behaviorHelsingin yliopisto2011 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBitter taste perception and eating behavior (I)Helsingin yliopisto2011 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBitter taste perception and eating behavior (II)Helsingin yliopisto2014 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniDucks as models for assessIng endocrine DISRUPTing chemicals in the aquatic environment - Incubation behavior of Common Goldeneye and Common Eider under endocrine-disrupting chemicals and environmental pressureHelsingin yliopisto2022 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniGenetic and behavioral divergence of macrogynes and microgynes in the red ant <em>Myrmica ruginodis</em>Helsingin yliopisto2012 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniImpact of phloem-xylem interaction and sink behavior on leaf gas exchangeHelsingin yliopisto2014 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniImpact of phloem-xylem interaction and sink behavior on leaf gas exchange.Helsingin yliopisto2014 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniLoCard - Health- and environment-related purchase behavior through loyalty card dataHelsingin yliopisto2016 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniRein tension and its association with bit-related lesions and horse behavior in trottersHelsingin yliopisto2022