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Hankkeen nimi
Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBuilding Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa (BIODEV) VITRI componentHelsingin yliopisto2013 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniFoodAfrica II - Improving Food Security in West and East Africa Through Capacity Building in Research and Information DisseminationLuonnonvarakeskus2016 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniOccurrence, sources and pre­vention of an­timicrobial res­istance in West Africa - fol­lowing the flow of AMR genes between humans, animals and environmentHelsingin yliopisto2018 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniRuokaturvan parantaminen Länsi- ja Itä-Afrikassa tutkimus- ja opetusyhteistyön avulla /Improving food security in West and East Africa through capacity building in research and information disseminationLuonnonvarakeskus2012 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniSupport to Environment and Sustainable Development in North West Province, South AfricaSuomen ympäristökeskus2002