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Hankkeen nimi
Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniAssessment of prey fish density in planning of predatory fish stocking - comparison of four subarctic lakes with different prey fish populationsHelsingin yliopisto2005 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBeyond the shore: sea-ice change and lake ecosystems in the ArcticHelsingin yliopisto2020 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCarbon dynamics across Arctic landscape gradients: past, present and future (CAPTURE), WP3:Past and present lake carbon dynamicsHelsingin yliopisto2016 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniClimate Change as Recorded by Ecologically Sensitive Arctic and Alpine Lakes in Europe during the last 10,000 years: A Multi-Proxy Approach "CHILL-10,000", ENV4-CT97-0642Helsingin yliopisto1998 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniClimate changes since the late glacial documented by multiple sediment cores from Genggahai Lake, northeastern Tibetan PlateauHelsingin yliopisto- Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniClimate history as recorded by ecologically sensitive arctic and alpine lakes in Europe during the last 10,000 years: a multi-proxy approachHelsingin yliopisto1998 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniClimate history as recorded by sensitive alpine lakes in NordenHelsingin yliopisto1995 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCombating Eutrophication: nutrient management in lakes, rivers and the Baltic SeaLuonnonvarakeskus2019 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCopernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS)Suomen ympäristökeskus2021 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniEgyptin pohjoisten järvien vedenlaadun parantaminen ruoppaamalla ja minimoimalla ruoppausajan haitalliset vaikutuksetSuomen ympäristökeskus2017