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Hankkeen nimi
Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniA new cross-sectorial platform for the integration of genomics in surveillance of food-borne pathogensHelsingin yliopisto2016 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniAgricultural externalities and implications for policy of the integration of environmental concerns into production: comparative analysis in Finland and ChinaHelsingin yliopisto2014 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCollaborative land sea integration platformLuonnonvarakeskus2018 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniEuropean Integration and the Rural - Actors, Institutions and PowerLuonnonvarakeskus2012 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniEuropean Integration and the Transformation of National Governance Structures - Rural Development and the Common Agricultural PolicyLuonnonvarakeskus2010 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniFirst integration of tree-ring chronologies, annually laminated sediment records and historical data for palaeoclimate reconstructions of seasonal temperature and precipitation variability in northern EuropeLuonnonvarakeskus2021 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniFuture potential of an integrated product policy (IPP) approach for integration of the requirements of sustainability in global food chains.Luonnonvarakeskus2006 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniGeospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation (GiMoDig)Maanmittauslaitos2001 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniINNUENDO: A novel cross-sectorial platform for the integration of genomics in surveillance of foodborne pathogensRuokavirasto2016 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniIntegration Environmental Concerns into Mountain and Hill FarmingHelsingin yliopisto1997