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Hankkeen nimi
Hankkeiden tiedon ikoni"Climate Change and Development of Pine and Spruce Softwood during the Growth Season" Hyytiälä Forestry Research Station, Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki. (Role: Research Assistant; Supervisor: Prof. Eero Nikinmaa).Helsingin yliopisto2000 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBETWOOD - Identification of novel regulators of growth and wood formation by studying natural variation in Betula pendula, a novel model treeLuonnonvarakeskus2015 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniBlue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food webs - BONUS BLUEWEBSSuomen ympäristökeskus2017 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCambial growth in Scots pine and Norway spruce during a growing season.Helsingin yliopisto2007 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCambial growth in Scots pine and Norway spruce during a growing season.Helsingin yliopisto2007 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCambial growth in Scots pine and Norway spruce during a growing season.Helsingin yliopisto2007 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniCombining growth models and multi-date satellite imagery inventory for improved carbon prediction of tropical forestHelsingin yliopisto2015 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniConsequences of an increased growth of filamentous algae for the littoral ecosystem of the Baltic SeaHelsingin yliopisto2013 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniDecision support to manage the long-term growth of environmentally induced multi-hazard risks in urban areas (LONGRISK)Helsingin yliopisto2020 Hankkeiden tiedon ikoniEC DG MARE - EMODNet: Knowledge Base for growth and innovation in ocean economy: assembly and dissemination of marine data for seabed mappingSuomen ympäristökeskus2013