lnnovation in forestry biomass residue processing: towards circular forestry with added value products
Volumes of underutilized forestry biomass residues (bark, needles, cones etc.) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) are huge and countries are in different development phases in relation to the utilization of forestry side streams. In many cases these side streams are used as lower value products e.g. bioenergy, however biomass is an ultimate resource for isolation of high value compounds with various applications. The objective of CEforestry is to develop new and innovative practices (circular economy concepts) in forestry and novel solutions to utilize forestry side stream in BSR. This will be achieved through innovative means of collaboration across sectors (researchers, target SMEs, large companies and other relevant actors) and demonstrated in pilot facilities. A Circular Economy business model will be developed based on the project results and the aim is to propose recommendations to utilize forestry side streams in BSR countries in order to meet EU Green Deal, EU Circular Economy and Baltic Sea region bioeconomy strategy goals. The results from the project will benefit circular forest economy and enterprises interested in refining sustainable novel products. The activities will involve target groups, 12 partners and 17 associated partners from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden.
Korpinen, Risto
Liittyvät organisaatiot
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet SLU