Tutkimustoiminnan kuvaus

List of five recent publications profiling research activities of the group Nair PS, Raijas P, Ahvenainen M, Philips AK, Ukkola-Vuoti L, Järvelä I. Music-listening regulates human microRNA expression. Epigenetics, in press.   Polla DL, Rahikkala E, Bode M, Määttä T, Varilo T, Loman T, Philips AK, Kurki M, Palotie A, Körkkö J, Vieira P, Avela K, Jacquemin V, Pirson I, Abramowicz M, de Brouwer APM,  Kuismin O, van Bokhoven H, Järvelä I. Phenotypic spectrum associated with a CRADD founder variant underlying frontotemporal predominant pachygyria in the Finnish population. Eur J Hum Genet 27 (8):1235-1243, 2019. Nair PS, Kuusi T, Ahvenainen M, Philips AK, Järvelä I. Music-performance regulates microRNAs in professional musicians. PeerJ 7:e6660, 2019. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6660         Possible URL address to lab's home page or/and EU/other project project http://www.hi.helsinki.fi/music/english/members.htm


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assoc professor / Helsinki University