Matkalla kohti sukupuolisensitiivisiä parlamentteja? Vertailu sukupuolten tasa-arvosta ja demokraattisista käytännöistä Suomen, Saksan ja Puolan parlamenteissa (GSParls)
Rahoitetun hankkeen kuvaus
We, the people, expect our parliamentary representatives to adhere to democracy and to promote rights such as gender equality and anti-discrimination for all citizens. Importantly, parliaments should commit to practicing democracy and promoting equality within their own organization – if successful, it can be labelled as gender-sensitive parliament. The project examines whether and to what extent the Finnish, German, and Polish parliament are aiming to become gender-sensitive parliaments, like Sweden, which is often seen as role model. For each parliament, the project looks at strategies and measures for promoting gender and diversity, what parliamentary members and staff consider important for this, and how similar or different the three parliaments are. By comparing the three parliaments, which are quite different regarding gender equality, the project develops general recommendations for other parliaments who want to promote gender, diversity and democracy.
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Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut(2024)
28 665 €
Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut(2021)
79 736 €
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Valtio-oppi, hallintotiede
Tunnistetut aiheet
politics, society