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Tutkimusaineiston nimi
Tutkimusaineiston tekijät / organisaatio
LiPheStream - A 18-month spatiotemporal point cloud time series of Boreal trees from Hyytiälä, Finland
Sequencing dataset related to the influence of terrestrial plant litter input on microbial community composition and biomass in lake water
Metsänrajan muutoksen seuranta (METSANRAJ)
Dataset on Inspection of gas bubbles in the frozen xylem of a diffuse-porous tree with micro-CT
Suometsän uudistuminen verhopuuston alla (SUOUUDVERHOP)
A dataset of stem bark reflectance spectra for boreal and temperate tree species
Tree leaf and needle spectra for three sites in northern and central Europe
Leaf and needle spectra for 25 boreal tree species
A dataset of multiangular spectra of tree bark for three boreal tree species
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