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LuxHMM: DNA methylation analysis with genome segmentation via hidden Markov model
Probabilistic modeling methods for cell-free DNA methylation based cancer classification
TuringLang/Turing.jl: v0.24.0
Auxiliary data set for Mäkinen et al. (2021) Bayesian Classification of Meteorological and Non-Meteorological Targets in Polarimetric Weather Radar Measurements
(1S)-camphor on Cu(111), 6D surface adsorbate search with BOSS
CO-tip fm-nc-AFM simulations of 1S-camphor/Cu(111) stable configurations
Bayesian Inference of Atomistic Structure in Functional Materials
stan-dev/pystan: v2.17.1.0 with CVODES support
stan-dev/pystan: v2.17.1.0 with CVODES support
Data from: Modeling the perception of audiovisual distance: Bayesian causal inference and other models
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