Data of figures in "Adding value to Extended-range Forecasts in Northern Europe by Statistical Post-processing Using Stratospheric Observations"
Files containing data in Figures 1-3, and 5-8 in the manuscript
Korhonen N. et al.
"Adding value to Extended-range Forecasts in Northern Europe by Statistical Post-processing Using Stratospheric Observations"
Files and their contents:
Data of Fig. 1: annual mean CRPSS and its p-value for forecast weeks 1-6 for the raw (RAW) and the mean bias-corrected (BC) surface mean temperature forecast.
Data of Fig. 2: observed mean daily AO indes 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after different thresholds of the zonal mean zonal wind at 60 degrees N and 10 hPa.
Data of Fig. 3: observed mean daily AO indes 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after different stratospheric situations.
Data of Fig. 5a-f:
ERA-Interim observed mean t2m anomalies during November-February in 1981-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
p-value that the means of these surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
Data of Fig. 5g-l:
ERA-Interim observed mean t2m anomalies during November-February in 1997-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
p-value that the means of these surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
Data of Fig. 5m-r:
ECMWF reforecasted mean t2m anomalies for November-February in 1997-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
p-value that the means of these reforecasted surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after ZMZW weaker than 3.8m/s or ZMZW stronger than 41m/s.
Data of Fig. 6a-f:
ERA-Interim observed mean t2m anomalies during November-February in 1981-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
p-value that the means of these surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
Data of Fig. 6g-l:
ERA-Interim observed mean t2m anomalies during November-February in 1997-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
p-value that the means of these surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
Data of Fig. 6m-r:
ECMWF reforecasted mean t2m anomalies for November-February in 1997-2016, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
p-value that the means of these reforecasted surface temperature anomalies differ 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 weeks after SWIneg or SWIplain.
Data of Fig. 7: The CRPSSs of the ECMWF surface temperature reforecasts in forecast weeks 3–4 and 5–6, when the kSWI was ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
Data of Fig. 8:
CRPSS of forecast weeks 3–4 and 5–6 of the ECMWF’s mean temperature reforecasts for November–February 1997–2016 after mean bias-correction (BiasCorrected) in cases the ZMZW at 60 N and 10 hPa was
a)-b) below 3.8m/s,
c)-d) above 41 m/s,
e)-f) between 3.8 m/s and 41 m/s.
at the start of the forecast.
And g)-h)after both mean bias-correction and the SWI based post-processing (PostProcessed) in cases the ZMZW at 60 N and 10 hPa was between 3.8 m/s and 41 m/s.
p-value that the CRPSS is above zero.
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Natalia Korhonen - Tekijä
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