TuringLang/Turing.jl: v0.24.0


Turing.jl is a Julia library for general-purpose probabilistic programming. Turing allows the user to write models using standard Julia syntax, and provides a wide range of sampling-based inference methods for solving problems across probabilistic machine learning, Bayesian statistics, and data science. Compared to other probabilistic programming languages, Turing has a special focus on modularity, and decouples the modelling language (i.e. the compiler) and inference methods. This modular design, together with the use of a high-level numerical language Julia, makes Turing particularly extensible: new model families and inference methods can be easily added. Current features include: General-purpose probabilistic programming with an intuitive modelling interface Robust, efficient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampling for differentiable posterior distributions Particle MCMC sampling for complex posterior distributions involving discrete variables and stochastic control flows Compositional inference via Gibbs sampling that combines particle MCMC, HMC, Random-Walk MH (RWMH) and Elliptical Slice Sampling Advanced variational inference based on ADVI and Normalising Flows Getting Started Turing's home page, with links to everything you'll need to use Turing is: https://turing.ml/dev/docs/using-turing/get-started Full description in GitHub: https://github.com/TuringLang/Turing.jl/tree/v0.24.0 The title and description of this software/code correspond with the situation when the software metadata was imported to ACRIS. The most recent version of metadata is available in the original repository.
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Aineiston tyyppi


Department of Computer Science

Adam Scibior - Tekijä

Andreas Noack - Tekijä

Arthur Lui - Tekijä

Cameron Pfiffer - Tekijä

David Widmann - Tekijä

Dilum Aluthge - Tekijä

Emile Mathieu - Tekijä

Emma Smith - Tekijä

Hao Zhang - Tekijä

Harrison Wilde - Tekijä

Hessam Mehr - Tekijä

Hong Ge - Tekijä

Jonathan D. Trattner - Tekijä

Kai Xu - Tekijä

Killian Q. Zhuo - Tekijä

Kyurae Kim - Tekijä

Ludger Paehler - Tekijä

Martin Trapp Orcid -palvelun logo - Tekijä

Miles Lucas - Tekijä

Mohamed Tarek - Tekijä

Peifan Wu - Tekijä

Philipp Gabler - Tekijä

Phillip Alday - Tekijä

Pietro Monticone - Tekijä

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte - Tekijä

Rik Huijzer - Tekijä

Saranjeet Kaur - Tekijä

Tom Röschinger - Tekijä

Tor Erlend Fjelde - Tekijä

Will Tebbutt - Tekijä

Xianda Sun - Tekijä

Brown University - Muu tekijä

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy - Muu tekijä

TRIUMF - Muu tekijä

Technical University of Munich - Muu tekijä

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Muu tekijä

University Medical Center Groningen - Muu tekijä

University of Cambridge - Muu tekijä

University of Glasgow - Muu tekijä

University of Pennsylvania - Muu tekijä

Uppsala University - Muu tekijä

Zenodo - Julkaisija


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Tietojenkäsittely ja informaatiotieteet





Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen (CC BY 4.0)



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